
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Social Media Do's And Donts.

Today in class we learned about what we should and shouldn't be doing online and/or on social media, here is what I learned.

Monday, 2 November 2015

RWC Moment In Time.

Here is my Moment In Time about when Beuden Barett scored the last try for the All Blacks

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Blog Comments.

Here is the blog comment I did on Reuben's Blog.

Here is the comment I did on Faiupu's Blog

Here is the comment I did on Presley's Blog.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Friday, 16 October 2015

Earthquake Movenote

Here is my Movenote about Earthquakes. It explains how you can be safe during a Earthquake.

Holes Book Review

Here is my book review about holes, we used Moovenote to make the book review.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Moment In Time_Wingsuit

GoPro Wingsuit

Here is the link to the video my class used for the moment in time and here is the writing.


The Landscape.
The landscape on the top of the mountain was beautiful, blue skies lit up the ground and nature did it’s best to look like paradise. Each mountain had it’s own white dress and to top it off, it had a nice cool breeze every day. Every part of the landscape connects to each other to make it look like heaven.

Heading toward the rock.
As I headed toward the small gap, I could hear nothing but the beat of my heart, I felt like I had nowhere to run this time. I felt like the rock was getting smaller and I was getting bigger. I wondered how my family and friends would ever find my body if it was lying in between a rock.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Maths Hypothesis.

This is my video on my maths hypothesis enjoy!.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Second Video Steps.

Here is my second video step by step instructions.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Padlet Inquiry Questions.

These are my inquiry questions that I would like to ask a year 8 student at heat on int (Christchurch intermediate.) Add anything you can t help me.

Monday, 17 August 2015

My Second Video.

This is my second how to video and it shows how to use keyboard shortcuts.

Instructional Video Writing #2

These are the instructions for my second instructional writing video

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Te Reo Language.

Here is a video with me and tre speaking maori. Kei Hea to? means where is your?, Kei runga i taku tepu, means it's on my desk. Homai to, means Give me your, Anei means Here it is. Enjoy :)

How to embed a youtube video onto your blog.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Blog Comments.

This is my first comment with a link to faiupu's blog. Faiupu Blog Link

This is my second comment on Reuben's blog. Reuben Blog Link

This my third one with a comment on Paea's blog. Paea's Blog

Here are all three of my blog comments and what they say.

Monday, 20 July 2015

My Term 3 Goals

These are all my goals for this year, it has my successes and fails but learning from my fails is what I am trying to do with my goals.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Swot Analysis

This is my S.W.O.T analysis.

My 6 Step Story.

This a 6 step story that I am proud of because I got to write about what I would think to be something cool.

Assassins Creed Description.

 I hope you enjoy this character description about assassins creed.

Character Description

This is my character description about gobber from how to train your dragon. Enjoy

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Burma Trail.

This is my writing about The Burma Trail. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

My Hypothesis Letter

This is my Hypothesis Letter and it is where I explain to my teacher why I should be researching this question and what it means to me.